Our wishes for 2019 banner
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Our wishlist for 2019

Our wishes for 2019 banner

Greetings from MSF’s Access Campaign team!

It’s that time of year when we pause for a moment from the daily routine to make our wishes for the upcoming new year!

We look forward to grasping the new opportunities the year will bring to make breakthroughs in ensuring affordable access to medical innovation for everyone. Through our work, we will push for MSF teams to have the tools they need to provide the best medical care for people in our projects and pave the way for others to access the medicines, vaccines and tests they need.

Our wishes for 2019

Wishlist 2019 - Wish #1 Illustrations by Vivian Peng
Wishlist 2019 - Wish #2 Illustrations by Vivian Peng
Wishlist 2019 - Wish #3 Illustrations by Vivian Peng
Wishlist 2019 - Wish #4 Illustrations by Vivian Peng
Wishlist 2019 - Wish #5 Illustrations by Vivian Peng
Wishlist 2019 - Wish #6 Illustrations by Vivian Peng

This year, twenty years after MSF started treating people living with HIV, children with HIV are still being left behind in the antiretroviral treatment revolution, and we are urgently seeking progress here in 2019.

As Ebola marches again in the Democratic Republic of Congo, we have seen a vaccine being used for the first time to protect people. But we need more tools - medicines and vaccines - developed, tested and licensed.

“What we as a civil society movement demand is change, not charity.”

James Orbinski
Dr James Orbinski
MSF International President
MSF International Council

People living with drug-resistant TB continue to have to undergo lengthy and often toxic treatment to beat the disease. Today there are better, safer, more-effective TB drugs available, but the price is still too high for people who need them. In 2019, we’ll raise MSF’s voice to push for companies to reduce their prices, so that many more people living with drug-resistant TB can access the treatment they need.

And it’s the time of year when it’s nice to give - and to receive! As 2018 came to a close, we welcomed the arrival of a new, simple, oral treatment for people with sleeping sickness, thanks to the hard work of our colleagues at DNDi, who have demonstrated that a different way of doing medical R&D is possible, at a fraction of what pharmaceutical corporations claim it costs to develop a new drug.

‘Change not Charity’ was the call that Dr James Orbinski made when he accepted the Nobel Peace Prize back in 1999 on behalf of MSF. The prize was used to set up the MSF Access Campaign and twenty years on, that call for change is still what drives us all in MSF to be the change-makers that help make life-saving medicines accessible to all people in need, regardless of where they are born or live.

Wishlist 2019 - Catalogue