MSF's response to consultations by the IACG on antimicrobial resistance
The September 2016 UN Political Declaration of the High-level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance established an Interagency Coordination Group on Antimicrobial Resistance (IACG) tasked with providing practical guidance for effective global action to address antimicrobial resistance and reporting back to the UN Secretary-General in 2019.
The IACG will present a final report to the UN Secretary-General ahead of the 73rd General Assembly in 2019. In preparation for this the IACG held two consultations, one in the summer of 2018 based on a series of discussion papers, and a consultation on the final report in February 2019. MSF Access Campaign provided written comments on four of the 2018 discussion papers, as well as the final consultation in 2019.
- February 2019: MSF Access Campaign response to the public discussion on the draft recommendations of the Ad hoc IACG
- July 2018: MSF Access Campaign response to IACG discussion paper ‘Antimicrobial Resistance: Invest in Innovation and Research, and Boost R&D and Access’
- July 2018: MSF Access Campaign response to IACG discussion paper ‘Reduce Unintentional Exposure and the Need for Antimicrobials, and Optimize their Use'
- July 2018: MSF Access Campaign response to IACG discussion paper ‘Future Global Governance for Antimicrobial Resistance’
- July 2018: MSF Access Campaign response to IACG discussion paper ‘Surveillance and Monitoring for Antimicrobial Use and Resistance’