MSF staff checking the temperature of Tony, 69, at MSF TB mobile site, Tondo, Manila, Philippines, March 2023 Photo credit: Ria Kristina Torrente
Technical brief |

MSF Position Paper: Ensuring Timely and Equitable Access to Medical Products in Global Public Health Emergencies

Report Cover Image
Photo credit: Ria Kristina Torrente

Multiple global processes and initiatives are currently underway to create and improve global systems to prevent, prepare for and respond to future global health emergencies (PPR). These include the negotiations for a Pandemic Accord, amendments to the International Health Regulations, and a UN High-Level Meeting on PPR.

MSF's experience of responding to infectious disease outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics has shown that in order for PPR initiatives to be effective, we need to address the structural determinants of inequity. In this Position Paper, we discuss principles, mechanisms and actions that can help achieve equity in how medical products are developed, where they are produced, at what price they are sold, and who gets access to them first.