Lab testing in MSF COVID-19 facility. Photograph by Manhal Alkallak
Technical brief |

MSF comments on the clinical trial resolution at the 75th World Health Assembly

Report cover image
Photograph by Manhal Alkallak

The United Kingdom and Argentina are tabling a resolution on clinical trials at the upcoming 75th World Health Assembly. While the zero draft of the resolution articulates important features to be incorporated in clinical trial policies and practices, we believe the resolution can be strengthened to better serve public health needs. To this end, we recommend the following actions to member states: 

  • Ensure that the scope of the resolution is applicable to all clinical trials related to all medical technologies and not only to vaccines; guarantee that it covers clinical trials for all health needs and not only for health interventions addressing pandemics 
  • Include full transparency requirements, such as sharing of protocols, timely publication of data and public disclosure of research and development (R&D) costs, including the costs of clinical trials, particularly when public funds are assigned to the research
  • Take into consideration the need for diversity of populations enrolled in clinical trials, as appropriate
  • Safeguard unhindered access to comparator drugs, diagnostics and vaccines needed for research and/or bioequivalence purposes  
  • Embed access and benefit-sharing principles and conditions in clinical trial management and governance