MSF representatives are attending the 138th session of the WHO executive board meetings and will be attending and speaking on a number of topics.
EB 138 - Agenda Item 8.5:
|Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance | Background information
EB 138 - Agenda Item 9.1:
Sharing on diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic products | Background information
EB 138 - Agenda Item 9.2:
Draft Global Health sector strategies | Background information
EB 138 - Agenda Item 9.3:
Global Vaccine Action Plan | Background information
EB 138 - Agenda Item 10.3:
Follow-up of the report of the CEWG on R&D | Background information
EB 138 - Agenda Item 10.5:
Addressing the global shortages of medicines, and the safety and accessibility of children’s medication| Background information
Other background documents
Agenda Item 5 & 8.4:
Briefing - “From Ebola and Beyond: faulty governance of the health system in responding to medical emergencies and epidemics
Agenda Item 8.1:
Briefing - “International Health Regulations: A good framework with weak foundations”