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Time for a binding convention on R&D relevant to the health needs of developing countries?

Time for a binding convention on R&D relevant to the health needs of developing countries?

Tuesday, 22nd May 2012, 6-8pm

In the Grand Salon, Club Suisse de la Presse, La Pastorale, Route de Ferney 106 - 1202 Genève- Opposite the Intercontinental

A discussion chaired by Dr Francisco F. Songane, Senior Health Advisor, COHRED and former Minister of Health from Mozambique (2000-2004)

Confirmed Speakers:

  • H.E. Dr Tom Mboya Okeyo, Ambassador/Permanent Representative of Kenya, Switzerland
  • Mr. Faiyaz Murshid Kazi, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Bangladesh to the UN
  • Dr Tido von Schoen-Angerer, Executive Director, Médecins Sans Frontières- Access Campaign
  • James Love, Director, Knowledge Ecology International • Tessel Mellema, HAI Europe

The discussion will be followed by a drinks reception.