Bottle of bedaquiline, Zhytomyr Regional TB Dispensary, Ukraine. In 2018, MSF started providing treatment for drug-resistant TB to people in Zhytomyr, Ukraine. Photo credit: Oksana Parafeniuk
Blog |
15 September 2023

The long and winding road to ensure affordable access to a key TB drug

Photo credit: Oksana Parafeniuk
Bottle of bedaquiline, Zhytomyr Regional TB Dispensary, Ukraine. In 2018, MSF started providing treatment for drug-resistant TB to people in Zhytomyr, Ukraine. Photo credit: Oksana Parafeniuk

With the United Nations High-Level meeting just over the horizon, the TB community is ready to amplify the voices of people affected by TB around the world at this global forum, and demand the global attention and resources needed to beat this devastating yet curable disease.

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