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MSF at ASLM2016, 3-8 December

MSF looks forward to participating and exchanging with the laboratory and diagnostics community at ASLM2016. MSF clinicians, laboratory scientists and policy experts will share programmatic and laboratory implementation experiences in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in low resource or emergency settings; including TB, HIV, and NCDs. Follow MSF at ASLM 2016 @MSF_HIV.

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Download MSF@ASLM2016 Abstract Book


Diagnostic Accuracy Validation of Abbott m2000 for HIV Viral Load Testing on DBS Samples (Version1.0); Malawi Pilot Study
Ronald Khunga (Tuesday, 6 December @ 11:00 – 12:30; CTICC 2.6)


Field Evaluation of Point of Care Cepheid GeneXpert HIV Qual for Early Infant Diagnosis
Valarie Opollo (Tuesday, 6 December @ 17:00-18:30; CTICC 2.6)

Sub-Saharan Africa:

Performance of HIV Diagnostic Algorithms at Six Sites in Five Sub-Saharan African Countries
Cara Kosack (Thursday, 8 December @ 11:00-12:30; CTICC 1.6)

Diagnostic Accuracy of Eight HIV RDTs and Two Simple Confirmatory Assays from Five Sub-Saharan African Countries
Cara Kosack (Thursday, 8 December @ 11:00-12:30; CTICC 1.6)


Impact of SMS Alerts on Enrolment in Enhanced Adherence Counselling Among Patients with an HIV Viral Load ≥1,000 copies/ml in Two Rural Districts in Zimbabwe
Zee Ndlovu (Thursday, 8 December @ 12:30 – 13:30; East/West Ballroom)

Diagnostic Accuracy of BD FACSPresto for Measuring CD4 on Whole Blood Samples Stored for Up to 14 Days in BD Stabilization Tubes at Room Temperature in a Rural Laboratory in Zimbabwe
Zee Ndlovu (poster)

Read MSF's Making Viral Load Routine: Successes and Challenges in the Implementation of Routine HIV Viral Load Monitoring (Parts 1 & 2):

Based on a survey performed across ten MSF-supported ART sites and seven viral load testing laboratories in February 2016, “Making Viral Load Routine” aims to share practical lessons from the field with Ministries of Health and implementing partners. Part 1 reflects both on the programmatic strategies required within the clinic (for clinicians, counsellors and patients) and the realities of both setting up and Part 2 demonstrates how viral load testing laboratories can function in such settings.