World Health Assembly Photo by WHO
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MSF at the 73rd World Health Assembly

1 min
Photo by WHO
World Health Assembly Photo by WHO

Learn more about our recent activities to ensure equitable access to COVID-19 medical tools here, and follow us and our team of experts on Twitter for more news on upcoming diagnostics, treatments and vaccines.

The World Health Assembly (WHA), the annual meeting of the world’s health ministers, is taking place virtually for the first time on 18 May 2020.


Briefing Document

MSF developed a briefing document to provide background information for decision-makers regarding the COVID-19 agenda item at the 73rd WHA. MSF recommends the following actions to ensure access and equitable allocation of COVID-19 medical tools:

  • Adopt binding and enforceable measures
  • Encourage Member States to explore and use fully the existing policy and legal measures, including flexibilities under the TRIPS Agreement and the Doha Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health
  • Ensure full transparency of all R&D funding agreements with explicit and binding obligations