Photograph by Robin Meldrum
We invite journalists to contact us for interviews and information about the Access Campaign’s work.
Morag McKenzie
Communications Officer
Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 30 700130511
Email: [email protected]
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@msf_access on Twitter
MSF Access Campaign
“Critics have pointed out gaps in the deal. For one thing, 17 countries […] with high burdens of MDR TB are excluded…”…
04:13 - 15 Jul 2023
MSF Access Campaign
The deal announced today b/wn @JNJNews & @StopTB on #TB drug #bedaquiline (Bdq) offers a short-term solution, but too many countries remain excluded. J&J must do more & not enforce its secondary patents on Bdq. #PatientsNotPatents…
22:55 - 13 Jul 2023
MSF Access Campaign
Today w/ @Public_Citizen & other CSOs, we signed a letter welcoming the Colombian govt’s announcement to issue compulsory licenses authorising generic competition of dolutegravir (DTG), a patented #HIV drug, to make it more accessible✍…
22:30 - 13 Jul 2023
MSF Access Campaign
👏👏Good news for your midweek slump: Today European Parliament @Europarl_EN adopted a report on lessons learnt from COVID w/ pro-access-to-medicines recommendations to improve global preparedness for future pandemics.#MedicinesShouldntBeALuxury #covi…
19:26 - 12 Jul 2023
MSF Access Campaign
Today w/ civil society, clinicians, countries & community reps, we co-signed open letters to corporations @AbbottNews & @BDandCo, asking them not to abandon the manufacturing of CD4 diagnostic tests, which are essential for #HIV care ✍️…
16:50 - 29 Jun 2023
MSF Access Campaign
Celebrating @candisiwes, our Advocacy Advisor, for being selected as one of @mailandguardian's 200 Young South Africans, for her work “intersect[ing] intellectual property, medical innovation, human rights and access to medicines” 🇿🇦…
02:54 - 27 Jun 2023
MSF Access Campaign
📢 A step towards ensuring children everywhere can access the pneumococcal conjugate #vaccine (PCV) is for @Gavi to "be more flexible in providing a co-financing waiver for countries that are classified as fragile," says MSF's @VdMilliano.…
23:31 - 22 Jun 2023
MSF Access Campaign
“It’s a political commitment…to improve diagnostics capacity and access to diagnostics.” - @StijnDx, our Diagnostics Advisor, in @devex on the diagnostics resolution recently passed at #WHA76 & why it’s important for access to testing tools👇…
20:49 - 13 Jun 2023