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International Conference on Stimulating Research and Development for Neglected Diseases

Organised by Médecins Sans Frontières and the London School of Economics and Political Science

Médecins Sans Frontières and the London School of Economics and Political Science organised a one and a half day international conference on stimulating research and development for medicines for neglected diseases. The conference took place in London on 14-15 June.

Infectious diseases kill 15 million people every year. Over 95% of these deaths occur in the developing world. Despite growing disease burden in poor countries, drug research and development targeted at the major infectious diseases has not been significantly advanced - only a few per cent of the world-wide expenditure on health R&D is devoted to these diseases.

It is clear that the market has not adequately addressed or delivered drugs for neglected diseases such as malaria, sleeping sickness, kala-azar and tuberculosis. In the absence of significant private sector engagement, which global strategies can be deployed to relaunch serious R&D efforts towards effective and affordable drugs for neglected diseases?

Goals and Objectives:

This conference was convened to examine the state of research and development for neglected diseases and discuss the respective roles and responsibilities of national governments (in developed and developing countries), international organisations, universities, the multinational pharmaceutical industry and funders (such as private foundations).

Define working principles emerging from ongoing public/private partnerships to stimulate R&D and examine how these may be built upon and improved.

Médecins Sans Frontières is a medical emergency relief agency providing assistance to victims of war, natural disasters and epidemics irrespective of race, religion or political affiliation. Médecins Sans Frontières is campaigning for increased access to essential medicines.

LSE Health and Social Care is a research centre at the London School of Economics with a mission to produce and disseminate high quality knowledge on health and social care through research, policy analysis and consultancy to influence policy-making. Major research activities focus on: European and international health policy and social care policy; long-term care finance; health technology assessment and outcomes; pharmaceutical economics and policies; and equity and efficiency of health and social care services. LSE Health and Social Care is also a designated collaborating centre for European Health Policy for the World Health Organization and a member of the European Observatory on Health Care Systems.