Simphiwe holds his medication, he takes up to 26 pills a day to treat XDR-TB. Here he holds his morning selection, which includes delamanid, one of the newest DR-TB drugs, which Simphiwe is taking for the first time today. Photograph by Sydelle Willow Smith
Opinion article |

A Global Biomedical R&D Fund and Mechanism for Innovations of Public Health Importance

Photograph by Sydelle Willow Smith
Simphiwe holds his medication, he takes up to 26 pills a day to treat XDR-TB. Here he holds his morning selection, which includes delamanid, one of the newest DR-TB drugs, which Simphiwe is taking for the first time today. Photograph by Sydelle Willow Smith

Authors: Manica Balasegaram, MSF Access; Bernard Pécoul, DNDi

This report explores these three key points:

  • Anti-microbial resistance, emerging infectious diseases, and neglected diseases are all important public health concerns and priorities with serious market failures, deficits, and identified needs in biomedical innovation.

  • It is important to reconcile, rather than fragment, the needs of these three priority areas by considering an umbrella framework for specifically financing and coordinating research and development (R&D) that delivers innovation while securing patient access.

  • A sizeable, sustainably financed global R&D fund and mechanism that promotes coordination, collaboration, and utilization of new and innovative incentives should be set up to cover all three priority areas.

Read the full report on the PLOS website