An Evaluation of Drug-Resistant TB Treatment Scale-Up
This report, written by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), Partners In Health (PIH), and the Treatment Action Group (TAG) – organisations involved in efforts to increase access to treatment and care for patients with DR-TB – aims to provide an assessment of the effectiveness of some key structures within the global response for MDR-TB, to provide recommendations on how the global response to DR-TB scale-up can be improved, and to examine the results of scale-up activities to date in three key countries.
It is meant to be a first step towards greater accountability from countries, international mechanisms and donors, all of whom must work collaboratively to address the substantial barriers to scaling-up MDR-TB treatment. Currently, the GLC and GDF are being reformed to address some of the challenges highlighted in this report. It is hoped that this report will constructively inform the debate about how best to foster the scale-up of DR-TB treatment and prevention.