Cough Up for TB! Reports

Every day the medical teams of Médecins Sans Frontières come up against the obstacle of inadequate or ineffective tools needed to treat, detect or prevent disease – especially those diseases that predominantly occur in poor countries, such as tuberculosis, malaria or other neglected infectious diseases Although governments have repeatedly recognised this disasterous situation leading to avoidable suffering, the financial commitments for much needed research and development of drugs, diagnostics and vaccines lag far behind the political rhetoric – raising questions about the seriousness of the international community’s response to this crisis in health. MSF has produced reports that examine the contributions of the European Commission and, separately, of Germany, Italy, and Sweden to the funding of research for neglected diseases with a particular focus on tuberculosis
Featured Report
"EU member states are not contributing their fair share to research and development for tuberculosis (TB). Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) set out to analyse selected countries in greater detail and the results of funds spent in 2007 are summarised here. MSF sees research and development of new tools for neglected diseases such as TB as a major priority. This is because its field teams are losing too many battles in the fight for the lives of their patients due to the lack of adequate medical tools. Therefore, MSF is calling for a significant scale-up of research and development for TB and increased commitment by European governments."
Previous Reports
Download: Cough Up for TB! The Underfunding of Research for Tuberculosis and Other Neglected Diseases by the Swedish Government (October 2009)
Download: Cough Up for TB! The Underfunding of Research for Tuberculosis and Other Neglected Diseases by the Italian Government (June 2009)
Download: Cough Up For TB! The Underfunding of Research for Tuberculosis and Other Neglected Diseases by the European Commission (November 2008)
Download: Cough Up For TB! The Underfunding of Research for Tuberculosis and Other Neglected Diseases by Germany (April 2008)