Antiretroviral Sequencing Meeting Report

MSF, Solidarité thérapeutique hospitalière en réseau (Esther), Solidarité thérapeutique contre le sida (SOLTHIS) convened a meeting in September 2011 of HIV treatment experts to look at antiretroviral regimens and strategies to support the further scale up treatment and long-term sustainability in resource-limited settings.
The meeting objectives were to:
Develop a set of recommendations for sequencing existing and pipeline ARV drugs for adults and children in resource-limited settings in the short term (one to two years from now), in the medium term (three to six years from now) and long term (seven to 10 years from now);
Define the specifications of the regimen and formulations that will be needed in the future to treat HIV in the community; and develop recommendations and principles to guide treatment and diagnosticstrategies and an operational research agenda Find below a summary of the meeting for download.