140th WHO EB - Global Vaccine Action Plan - Agenda Item 9.1 (EB 140/25)
Five years ago at the 2012 World Health Assembly (WHA), Member States endorsed the Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP), the 2011-2020 Decade of Vaccines framework for improving vaccination for all. The following year, WHA delegates adopted the GVAP Monitoring, Evaluation and Accountability framework, asking for additional indicators – such as vaccine price information – to be tracked over the course of the decade.
Each year, the WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) – WHO’s immunization policy setting body – reviews progress against the GVAP targets (as reported by the Decade of Vaccines Secretariat ), and issues an Assessment Report of the Global Vaccine Action Plan. The recommendations in the SAGE Assessment Report aim to outline corrective actions that the Decade of Vaccines partners and Member States can take towards improving progress against the GVAP targets.
Full list of briefings and statements for 140th WHO Executive Board here.