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Blog |
19 July 2024

Sierra Leone: New approach radically improves diagnosis and treatment of children with TB

Diagnosing TB in young children is particularly challenging. MSF has been working with Sierra Leone’s Ministry of Health since 2020 to improve the diagnosis and treatment of TB in children, and, in 2022, started implementing the use of new tools to help diagnose TB.

“By using the new tools available, by bringing treatment closer to patients, and also by providing nutritional support in the DOT sites to children who are undernourished, we have been able to enrol and successfully treat significantly more patients,” says MSF medical team leader Jobin Joseph.

Blog |
28 June 2024

Bridging the access gap to microbiology diagnostics is a critical part of the global response to antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

Dr Jane Cunningham is a Diagnostics Advisor with MSF's Access Campaign. In this blog she takes a closer look at the important role of diagnostics in tackling antimicrobial resistance (AMR), and why we are advocating for improving microbiology diagnostic capacities in the places they are most needed, to be included as a priority in the plans for a global response to AMR, currently under discussion by UN member states.

Blog |
16 May 2024

How Germany’s strategy to end tuberculosis could be much more effective

Tuberculosis is still one of the deadliest infectious diseases in the world, with 1.3 million people dying from TB in 2022 alone per the World Health Organization (WHO). Despite the global community having set itself the goal of ending TB by 2035, this is not realistic. This is because, although there are existing tests and drugs that can successfully diagnose and treat TB, these lifesaving medical products are often not accessible to people with TB who need them.

For many years, the German government has supported measures to control TB worldwide, but why is the German government satisfied with a mediocre impact when it could save many more lives with this investment?