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Blog |
19 September 2024

International Snakebite Awareness Day: Developing plans to tackle snakebite in Ethiopia

Snakebite envenoming is one of the world’s most neglected disease. It kills between 81,000 and 138,000 people a year and leaves many more with life-changing disabilities. Snakebite is one of the 20 WHO Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) included on the Roadmap agreed by Member States in 2019, with the aim of substantially reducing the damage and suffering caused by these diseases by 2030.

Dr Alan Pereira has been a Medical Coordinator for MSF in Ethiopia for the past year. During that time, he’s been involved in many medical activities including supporting the project teams with treating patients with snakebite in our programmes. He has also been working with the national authorities to develop a nationwide plan to tackle snakebite. In this interview, Dr Pereira shared his experiences with us.

Blog |
11 September 2024

Seven Bites of Inequity

Snakebite is just one of many so called ‘Neglected Tropical Diseases’, or NTDs, that receive far too little global attention given the vast impact they have on communities around the world.

Matthieu Chevallier, MSF Access Campaign’s Global Health Advocacy Officer, tries to unpack in seven key points, the different facets of this gross neglect. The more he looks at it, the more he begins to wonder: is it the disease itself, or is it the victims that we turn away from?