The World Trade Organisation is deciding a way forward on South Africa's and India's proposal for #NoCovidMonopolies and we need YOU to help us stand up for global solidarity in this COVID-19 pandemic. Millions of peoples lives depend on it.
Help us tell the remaining major opponents of the TRIPS Waiver (UK, the EU & Germany, Norway and Switzerland) to get on the right side of history and stop blocking the movement for #NoCovidMonopolies!
[Last updated: 18 January 2022 - Sources: Knowledge Ecology International, TWN & WTO] Note: The discussions at the WTO are taking place behind closed doors. As such, we strive to update the map as soon as we have confirmation of each country’s evolving positions.
How to create a Twitter storm
Step 1. Click on UK, Germany, Switzerland or Norway on the map to find the Twitter handles and copy the tweet
Step 2: Go on Twitter to compose your message and paste the tweet and the handle
Step 3: Download this image and upload it on Twitter
Step 4: Post!
Step 5: Invite your friends to do the same!
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Everyone, everywhere should have access to lifesaving #COVID19 tests, treatments & vaccines.
More than 100 countries support the #TRIPSWaiver - why are you still blocking it?
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Over 100 nations have come together to support the #TRIPSWaiver, yet a handful of high-income countries continue to block it.
Help us change the story 👇
#NoCovidMonopolies #MC12